With the recent increase of virtual device use, many people are suffering from eye strain. Here are a couple of tips as to ease the strain.
1) Breathe
As we focus on the screen with keen attention, most often we are not breathing enough air. Loosen your tongue and make space inside of your mouth. Imagine your ENTIRE EYEBALLS. Every now and then, make an effort to TAKE BREATH, expanding your chest and belly.
2) Ancient remedy: Sunning, Palming, and Blinking
Sunning is an ancient remedy that gives healing energy to your eyes. Simply bathe your eyes in the sunlight (eyes closed). Feel the warmth. Turn your head slightly to R, then lL slowly so that you can maximize the intake of sun light.
Palming - sit or lie down, cover your R eye with your R hand, make a small cave with your palm. Cover your L eye with your L hand in the same way. Your fingers overlap. Focus on your breath. Keep your eyes closed. Find the darkest, blackest spot in the background. In your imagination, expand and enlarge this spot. Breathe.
Blinking - your eyes 'reset' with every blink. It keeps your eyes coated with tears.
3) Activate the peripheral vision
When you focus so much so intently, you are using the central vision, the cone cells, which is about 5% of all the cells in retina. By activating the rod cells, which is the majority of the cells in retina, you activate the peripheral vision, movement of the eyes.
If you are facing the computer screen, raise your hands to both sides of your face. Move your fingers and look at these fingers with your peripheral vision as you breathe.