*Any dissemination, distribution, or copying of these recordings is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
Welcome to the page of Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement class! I’ll be uploading the lessons of ‘Moving Forward series’ as we go along so that you can continue improving your awareness at home after the class.
In doing these recorded lessons, there are some things to pay attention to:
Go slowly, make movements small, do less, take rests, avoid pain, reduce the effort,
Please use these recordings as references and adjust to your individual conditions of the day.
You can pause it whenever you would like to rest, you can do 1/2 of it or 1/3 of it very slowly with more rest. Enjoy!
Lesson #1 Easy Flexibility - Turning
Lesson #2 Your Power Center
Lesson #3 Better Balance
Lesson #4 Relaxed Shoulders
Lesson #5 Better Breathing
Recommended book: "The Art of Breathing" is Blandine Calais-German
Lesson #6 Flexible Feet - with a long scan and long lesson
Lesson #7 Healthy Spine
Lesson #8 Lower Back Comfort
Lesson #9 Face and Jaws
Lesson #10 Better Turning
Lesson #11 Comfortably Upright
Lesson #12 Easy Standing
From Feet through the spine, Oscillating
Spine Chain
I have a long-time fascination about eyes and seeing. What do we see? how do we see? And how our vision affect our body, mind, and outlook on life and world, and vice versa? We have a much greater capacity of seeing. However, often the time, we are using only limited capacity of our eyes. By releasing our ability to see better, we’ll regain connection with our inner and outer world - the connection we used to have and have forgotten.
Eye Lesson
Eyeball Lesson
This entire lesson is done through imagination. You’ll explore the physical existence of your eyes, their movements, and sensation through three distinct parts of this lesson.
Eye on the back of the head (From Raz Ori)
One of my students who dived Into this lesson said, “I wasn’t sure why I was doing what I was doing, but when I stood up, I felt sooo connected like I had never experienced before.” Well…mystery certainly helps us get out of our usual and habitual mindset and open us up to the unknown depth of us.
Inclusive/Exclusive Seeing
Many people with imperfect vision have a tendency to try to focus on the details without paying attention to the peripheral. it is crucial for our eye health to have more INCLUSIVE focus instead of EXCLUSIVE focus. Exclusive focus at first seems to advance us faster and more efficiently, but pretty soon, we’ll notice that we are missing the richness of our lives by limiting what we see. By including other ‘unseen’ parts of our bodies in our wholesome image, we can expand our vision, see better and deeper. Drawn from Raz Ori’s workshop.
Hands Teaching Eyes (David Weber “Seeing Clearly’ series led by Naoko)
Awareness Through Movement by Moshe Feldenkrais
Brain’s Way of Healing by Norman Doidge, M.D.
Relaxercise: the easy way to health and fitness by David Zemach-Bersin
The Bates Method for Better Eyesight Without Glasses by William H. Bates
Luminous Life by Jacob Israel Liberman