Somatic Architect
Personal Advisor
Naoko Maeshiba is a Somatic Architect and a Personal Advisor. She works with people with physical and emotional chronic pain, helping them ease their pain, creating room for growth and empowerment.
At Live True Nature Studio, she has worked with a diverse range of people in age, occupation, and ethnicity with various conditions, alleviating their pain by activating brain’s neuroplasticity through deep awareness, dynamic alignment, imagination, and sensation work. Offering both remote and in-person sessions, she has been serving her clients in the US, Japan, and Europe since 2010, helping them restore ease in everyday functions and maximize their options and choices in life.
She enjoys writing both in English and Japanese and dancing very much. Her most recent curiosity is singing and ukulele.
Towson University Theatre Arts department Professor
Director of Naoko Maeshiba/Kibism
Worked as a professional Movement specialist, choreographer, and performer at NYC and regional theatre companies and theatre schools. With Naoko Maeshiba/Kibism, created and toured works within US, to Japan, and Europe.
Feldenkrais Practitioner Certificate Completed
Started working with clients who suffered from various health conditions, promoting changes in sensory-motor system through awareness training.
nutritional consultant certificate completed (American Association of Nutritional Consultant), GAPS nutritional consultant certificate completed (Gut And Psychology Syndrome)
Worked at Feldenkrais Foundation in NYC as a practitioner
Taught movement classes at Michael Chekhov Acting Studio
Founded Live True Nature Studio. Started working as a pain-relief facilitator and functional movement coach in the US, Japan, and Europe.
Active Certifications and Degrees:
GCFP (Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner),CNC (Certified Nutritional Consultant), GAPS (gut and psychology syndrome) Practitioner, M.F.A. (Master of Fine Arts) in Theatre Arts
Professional Associations:
Feldenkrais Guild of North America - Member (2016-present)
American Association of Nutritional Consultant - Member (2018-present)
GAPS Practitioner (2019-present)
Towson University, Theatre Arts department – Professor Emerita