Sun light is the remedy for all. Let's catch as much sunlight as we can to BOOST your IMMUNE SYSTEM!
Dr. Richard Hobday, an independent researcher working in the fields of infection control, public health and building design and the author of `The Healing Sun’ mentions that sunlight and fresh air can inactivate flu virus as well as kill bacteria that cause lung and other infections in hospitals. According to him, during the First World War, military surgeons routinely used sunlight to heal infected wounds. He also says, "severely ill flu patients nursed outdoors recovered better than those treated indoors. (from his essay, Coronavirus and the Sun: a Lesson from the 1918 Influenza Pandemic…/coronavirus-and-the-sun-a-lesson-from-…) Dr. Natasha Campbell-Mcbride, a neurologist and a nutrition, founder of GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet, says many parts of the sunlight spectrum get through to the human organs and tissues reducing overgrowth of pathogens, detoxifying and bringing healing. Exposure to sunlight is thought to help the brain’s release of serotonin which boosts mood and helps us being calm and focused. David Weber, who lost both eyesights and gained it partially back used the ancient remedy of 'sunning' his eyes as part of his recovery process.
The effect of the environment on our body is immense. Perhaps this is the time to rethink what the best conditions are for human body/mind including the architecture of the buildings. Supply and accessibility of fresh air and sunlight in everyday life is crucial so that healing can readily happen.